What is Matrix Energetics?
Matrix Energetics is a fascinating pathway to transformation. Rooted in the laws of Quantum Physics, Matrix Energetics is not a healing technique per se; rather, it is a “Consciousness Technology” that helps us bypass our habitual limited perceptions and access what physicists call the Zero Point Field — the realm of all possibility.
How Does Matrix Energetics Work?
On the subatomic level everything in the Universe, including us humans, is composed of light and information. Your reality may appear fixed, but it is actually fluid, in a constant state of becoming. Matrix Energetics quickly drops us into that expansive adaptable state, connecting us to the grid of infinite potential. Then, by adding the creative power of intention, we dismantle the energetic pattern that supports the problem or illness and establish a new alignment that promotes a healthy change.
What to Expect in a Matrix Energetics Session
I do not channel energy in a Matrix Energetics session. Instead, I connect with you heart-to-heart, initiate an energetic rapport, and simply become the doorway through which you enter the Zero Point Field.
If your session is in person, you will be fully clothed. You might stand, sit, or lie down. I will probably use a light touch to start.
If you are having your session by telephone, I will ask you go to a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, and make yourself comfortable.
Together we will set an intention, drop down into the Field, then investigate and play with whatever shows up. You might feel a wave that affects your balance as the old energy constructs loosen and shift. Beyond this, just expect the unexpected. Matrix Energetics sessions are different every time.
After your session, we’ll do whatever processing is helpful. To finish, I will anchor you to your new expanded state so that the changes that have been set in motion will continue to unfold.
Dave Pillard, Phoenicia, NY