What is Reiki?
The Japanese word, “Reiki” means, literally, “Universal Life Energy.”
Ancient Buddhist texts speak of using such energy in many ways to promote health and well-being. As a healing art, Reiki was rediscovered in 1922 by Dr. Mikao Usui. Today, Reiki is recognized throughout the world as an effective modality, a gentle but powerful energy boost that can help clear many physical and emotional conditions.
How Does Reiki Work?
Reiki is based on the theory that the therapist can channel universal life energy into the client to raise his vibrational frequency — thereby activating the client’s energy system.
Your unique energy system is intelligent — that is to say, your system knows exactly how much Reiki you need and exactly how to use it. As I transmit Reiki, you may be lying there, seemingly doing nothing. But actually you are actively partcipating in your own healing process.
What to Expect In a Reiki Session
You can either sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable. You are fully clothed.
I place my hands lightly on or just above your body, palms down, moving across the body through a series of different hand positions. As I transmit Reiki, your system will begin to draw the energy. You may feel warmth or a tingling sensation as this occurs. I hold each hand position for a couple of minutes, until I feel the draw of Reiki has slowed or stopped, then move on to the next.
After your session, we’ll do whatever processing is helpful. To finish, I will anchor you to your new expanded state so that the changes that have been set in motion will continue to unfold.
Reiki can also be transmitted from a distance, to clients who cannot be physically present.
Dr. Kathleen Calabrese, Buffalo, NY